Sunday, January 27, 2013

Skipping January and on to February!

 There's the old rhyme that you learn in elementary school that says, "One, Two, Skip a Few, Ninety-Nine, One-Hundred!"  Well, I am only skipping January on the blog and moving straight to February, only one month, that's not so bad is it?  Though I would have almost liked to have skipped it COMPLETELY, I am trying to count my blessings in it--we have had some sort of sickness, from the stomach flu to the cold flu, croup, coughs, congestions, fevers, ear aches, double earaches, and teething for three straight weeks as of RIGHT NOW.  So, each day I hope it will be over and one more fever pops up.  A friend in Utah said her whole family of 7 had been sick and suffering and what a wonderful Relief Society President she had come to her rescue.  So, I simply replied that MY Relief Society President had been with me every step of the way, too--day in and day out (which is the worst, the night part!).  But, while that is good for me, I know that means that YOUR Relief Society President has not been there much for you and for that I apologize and hope that you are all making it through this epidemic of  flu seasons and that if you do have needs they are making their way through the visiting teaching tree to us or that you will let us know.  I pray daily to be tuned in to your needs and I know that I often fail in this area to act on all the promptings or desires of my heart

We have had a couple of great activities in January along that I wanted to share for those who missed and THANK those who prepared!  Sister Lester is our RS Meeting Coordinator who planned and put on the Menu Planning Night. She taught us about the benefits of planning ahead for not just our sanity, but also our budget.  She shared several ideas on how to do this, including some fun calendars.  This is something that I have kind of tried and failed at before, so this is me trying again!! (If you were in sacrament meeting today you might have heard Bro Chavez talk about trying and failing, and how it is only failing when we stop trying again!)

I wanted to share my calendar that I quickly made and have used this week:
I had a picture frame that I wasn't using (11x17 ....I Think?)  A little bit of scrapbook paper and stickers (they are wasting away from lack of scrapbooking, anyway)  And some permanent markers and a ruler--I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do, so I just did....this gives me room for two to three weeks, which I couldn't handle anymore and felt like two was the best...also, it means I can erase one week when it is done, still have the week I am now and and start preparing for the one to come. It also leaves me space above or below the day to right what groceries I need for that meal.  Put up high where the kids can't erase and leave me wondering what I had planned--or change everything to pizza. ;)  
So, THANKS, Sarah!  your activity benefited me and my family alot!!

The next activity was the First Aid class that Sister Prince, our Provident Living Coordinator put on.  (What is her calling?  To put together activities and other information throughout the year that will help us live more providently)  She got together with Sister Povis and asked her to teach this class.  Sister Povis is an RN at the hospital and gave a GREAT class!
She taught us about the things that we need or should have in a first aid kit, explaining the purpose for a lot of them, showed us her wal-mart fishing tackle box turned first aid kit, and reviewed the basics of first aid, cpr, choking and heimlich, shock, heart attacks and strokes.  It was such a great review and reminder for me and I really appreciated her first hand knowledge and ability.  

Sorry for those who couldn't make it or missed for other reasons, we try to plan to get as many there as possible and with the schedule disruptions due to the cold building and the impromptu conference this month, we didn't have much time to announce.  If you would like information on either one, please let me know and we will try to get copies out!!

Right now we do not have anything scheduled for February and will let you know as soon as we do!!

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