Sunday, December 5, 2010

What is Christmas?

What Is Christmas?
By President Thomas S. Monson
 Ensign, Dec. 1998, 2

This is a glorious time of the year, simple in origin, deep in meaning, beautiful in tradition and custom, rich in memories, and charitable in spirit. It has an attraction to which our hearts are readily drawn. This joyful season brings to each of us a measure of happiness that corresponds to the degree in which we have turned our mind, feelings, and actions to the spirit of Christmas

There’s Christmas in the home and church,

There’s Christmas in the mart;

But you’ll not know what Christmas is

Unless it’s in your heart.

The bells may call across the snow,

And carols search the air;

But, oh, the heart will miss the thrill

Unless it’s Christmas there.

Christmas is children. As a young elder, I had been called to the old Primary Children’s Hospital that once stood on North Temple Street in Salt Lake City. There were children to be blessed. It was the Christmas season. I had never been in a children’s hospital before.
As our group entered the foyer, we noticed an attractively decorated Christmas tree, with beautifully wrapped gifts beneath its boughs.
A feeling of sympathy welled up within me as I noticed these tiny children, many with legs or arms in large plaster casts. Some were ever so weak and pale.
A young lad called out to us, “Will you give me a blessing?” Of course the blessing was given. I shall ever remember placing my hands on the tousled head of that faithful boy who was desperately ill. As we left his side, he looked up into my eyes and said, “Thank you, Brother Monson.

We walked away, only to hear him call out, “Oh, Brother Monson, merry Christmas to you.” I could scarcely see him for the tears in my eyes. He had that glow about him that comes only at Christmastime. That boy trusted in his Heavenly Father. He acknowledged the priesthood of God. His faith was unwavering. I felt I was on holy ground.
What made the glow emanate from the presence of this faithful boy? It was the Christmas spirit. Why does peace come closer to reality at this season than at any other? Why is it that more friends are remembered and more enemies forgiven at the Christmas season than at any other time? It is the Christmas spirit.
Christmas is remembering. A year ago our thoughts turned to the celebration of the sesquicentennial of the arrival of the pioneers in the valley of the Great Salt Lake in 1847. What was Christmas like that year?
From an entry in the diary of Mrs. Rebecca Riter, dated December 25, 1847, we read: “The winter was cold. Christmas came and the children were hungry. I had brought a peck of wheat across the plains and hid it under a pile of wood. I thought I would cook a handful of wheat for the baby. Then I thought how we would need wheat for seed in the spring, so I left it alone.”
Christmas is giving. Ralph Waldo Emerson, the poet, wrote: “Rings and jewels are not gifts, but apologies for gifts. The only [true] gift is a portion of thyself.”

President David O. McKay said: “True happiness comes only by making others happy—the practical application of the Savior’s doctrine of losing one’s life to gain it. In short, the Christmas spirit is the Christ spirit, that makes our hearts glow in brotherly love and friendship and prompts us to kind deeds of service.
“It is the spirit of the gospel of Jesus Christ, obedience to which will bring ‘peace on earth,’ because it means—good will toward all men.”
A few years ago I received an anonymous letter from a kindhearted dentist who demonstrated brotherly love and goodwill. I’d like to share it with you:

“Dear President Monson:
“I feel remiss in that I should have sent you a thank-you note sooner. Last December I listened to your talk given during the Christmas devotional. You spoke of an older woman who could not afford to pay for the registration for an automobile she had recently purchased. Others came to her aid. All involved were touched.

“I am a dentist by profession. Not long after the devotional, my receptionist informed me that an acquaintance of hers was coming into my office. She had problems with two of her teeth. She knew this woman and told me of her circumstances. The woman carried many burdens. The family business, which she ran, was doing poorly and the family was three months behind in paying rent. They had five children, many grown into adulthood, but all had moved back home because of difficult personal circumstances. By sheer force of will, she had kept her family together for some time. Now two teeth were broken.
“The woman arrived for her appointment and explained about her dental problem. She asked if I would allow her to pay her bill over time. She explained to me that her family had experienced several financial reversals and were just recently starting to pay some overdue bills.
“I assured her that her credit was good with me. She asked if I could repair just one of the two broken teeth at that time. I assured her that I could, and we began.
“Since I had the time, I repaired both teeth, for which she was grateful. When the work was completed, thinking of your talk, I told her that if she would not be offended, I should like to make a Christmas present of the dental work, for which there would be no bill. She was astonished. I could sense the depth of the stress and strain she had carried, as uncontrollable tears of gratitude gushed forth due to a small, simple act of kindness. It must have been years since someone showed her some little favor. Not able to speak, she made her way out.

“Both my assistant and receptionist were so moved by her reaction that they also sprouted tears and could hardly speak. I, on the other hand, was doubly glad. One part, in seeing such a simple act have such a happy effect on another. And the second part, for once in my life having a patient in my office crying for joy, and not for pain!
“To you, my very best wishes.
“A brother in the gospel”
Christmas is prophecy fulfilled. On the eve of His birth, the voice of the Lord came unto Nephi, saying, “Lift up your head and be of good cheer; for behold, the time is at hand, and on this night shall the sign be given, and on the morrow come I into the world, to show unto the world that I will fulfil all that which I have caused to be spoken by the mouth of my holy prophets.”
What did the holy prophets of old declare? Isaiah, more than 700 years before the birth of Christ, prophesied, “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.”

On the American continent, King Benjamin said, “For behold, the time cometh, and is not far distant, that with power, the Lord Omnipotent … shall dwell in a tabernacle of clay. … He shall suffer temptations, and pain. … And he shall be called Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father of heaven and earth, the Creator of all things from the beginning; and his mother shall be called Mary.”
Then came that night of nights when the shepherds were abiding in the fields and the angel of the Lord appeared to them, announcing: “Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy. … For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.”
The shepherds with haste went to the manger to pay honor to Christ the Lord. Later, wise men journeyed from the East to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. … When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.”
Since that time, the spirit of giving gifts has been present in the mind of each Christian as he or she commemorates the Christmas season. Our Heavenly Father gave to us His Son, Jesus Christ. That precious Son gave to us His life, the Atonement, and victory over the grave.
What will you and I give for Christmas this year? Let us in our lives give to our Lord and Savior the gift of gratitude by living His teachings and following in His footsteps. It was said of Him that He “went about doing good.”
As we do likewise, the Christmas spirit will be ours.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New Month, New Ideas

Well, Sisters, a new month is here, one of the busiest of the year!  With it comes a few changes, we had announced that we were planning our Christmas Around the World, Progressive Dinner, but have felt to change that to something much simpler and hopefully more relaxing for this hectic time of year.  So, we will be having a Relief Society Slippers and Cider Social on Thursday, the 16th at 6:30 pm at the church.  We encourage you to dress comfy and cozy and wear your favorite socks and/or slippers.  We will be having hot cocoa and cider and donuts as we visit, exchange a 'tasteful' white elephant gift, and share favorite Christmas stories (if you have one you'd like to share, let me know ahead of time!) and relaxing from all of the running and rushing that comes around Christmas!!  Bring a friend, and all of our YOUNG WOMEN are invited, too!!

Please check the calendar to the side for any other updates or changes, like book club and crocheting--and sisters birthdays!!

And, don't forget, the Ward Christmas Dinner is tomorrow, if you signed up for potatoes you should have recieved the ingredients last night, other than that you just have to show up with you family or any friends you might want to invit--can't wait to see you all there!!!

November 2010 Presidency Message

I decided that each month when I post the new presidency message that I would archive the old ones, so this post is just November's message headed to the archives! November 2010
Dear Sisters,

Well, here we are near the beginning of another holiday season. It seems that time is flying by more quickly than ever. We are at the time of year when traditionally we think about the many things that the Lord has blessed us with. Too bad that we can’t be more contemplative about our blessings all throughout the year. Just a few weeks ago at General Conference, President Monson asked us: “My brothers and sisters, do we remember to give thanks for the blessings we receive? Sincerely giving thanks not only helps us recognize our blessings, but it also unlocks the doors of heaven and helps us feel God’s love.” President Benson also said, “The Prophet Joseph is reported to have said at one time that one of the greatest sins for which the Latter-day Saints would be guilty would be the sin of ingratitude. I presume most of us have not thought of that as a serious sin. There’s a great tendency for us in our prayers—in our pleadings with the Lord—to ask for additional blessings. Sometimes I feel we need to devote more of our prayers to expressions of gratitude and thanksgiving for blessings already received. Of course we need the daily blessings of the Lord. But if we sin in the matter of prayer, I think it is in our lack of the expressions of thanksgiving for daily blessings.” We pray that we all can grow in humility as we sincerely and frequently express gratitude for everything that we have and are. We love you and wish you the most joyous season ever.

Jamie, Cindy, Loree, and Kathy

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Service Auction Review, World Wide Leadership Report, and MORE!

RS Service Auction
For those of you who missed the service auction, I am so sorry, whether for time constraints, other demands, or you were unsure of what it was and not really up to finding out, but I wanted to report on it and let you know a little bit more about it.  It was a WONDERFUL time.  I really was a little unsure about this as it first came up, the more I learned about it, the more I liked the idea.  After actually participating, I am so excited to hold one again.  We laughed so much, we learned so much about each other and our abilities and talents and even by seeing what others would bid on and how hard they would try for certain items really helped us learn about each other and I have to say that I think everyone there had a great time.  As you can see from the picture, there were a wide variety of things from goodies to crafts, to service such as baby-sitting and singing and guitar lessons.  I truly feel that each day we miss opportunities to serve because we are often too wrapped up in the normal rut of daily life, but what a fun way to share our gifts and talents and make our service available to others!!

World Wide Leadership Training
On November 13th, there were a few dramatic changes for some of us leaders in the church.  That was the day of our annual World-Wide Leadership Training Broadcast, but with it came the new and completely updated church handbook.  No longer will we have little partial sections based on what our organization covers, now all Presidencies have the entire handbook and are asked to know and understand all that pertains to them.  Wow.  That is how I felt coming out of the meeting.  We will no longer have welfare meetings in the wards, but our ward councils are to become much more efficient, the ward council members becoming much more involved in the needs of the wards, helping to relieve much of the Bishop's load.  The focus of the handbook: the individuals and families of the church.  I felt so strongly that this was a greatly needed change, and while it will take us some time to adjust and to really get moving on the changes needing to be made, what a blessing they will be to each member of the church as we strive to love and serve each other--and not the organization.
What a blessing to have inspired leaders, a Prophet of God receiving His counsel and direction for us so that we are able to face the needs of His children to strengthen them in a world of unsurety and turmoil.  I was overwhelmed to a degree, feeling that there is so much responsibility that comes back to us as quorum and auxiliary leaders, but also that comes back to each of us as home and visiting teachers, as neighbors, as friends, and as members of the church.  It's back on us to see to the needs of those around us, to report to our leaders when we see those in need spiritually and temporally and then to work together to serve, strengthen, love, and guide them.  I am excited to see the changes that this will bring, and hopefully the unity to our ward and the church overall. 

Christmas Around the World

Our next upcoming Relief Society event is our Christmas Around the World Progressive Dinner on the night of December 16th at 6:00 pm.  We planned this event with the idea of being able to share each others talents and have a little bit of learning and culture tied in to the Christmas season.  We are looking for those who would like to cook any kind of ethnic food that they may know how (to be served in smaller appetizer sizes) and for others to host the meals and the sisters eating them in their homes.  We thought maybe some would want to show their Christmas decorations--especially if they have any fun or unique ones from around the world, that we can learn more about Christmas in different areas.  We will have different groups going to each home at a time.  If you are interested in cooking or hosting, PLEASE contact me by phone 4642 or email gjnboyz@yahoo.com.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Parable About Eternal Marriage.....

Today was the first day of the Marriage and Family Relations Sunday School Class that is being held over the next 16 weeks in our ward for whoever is interested in attending.  We were given a reading assignment from the study guide to have finished by next week.  It ended with this parable, which President Packer told in a talk in the October 1993 conference, entitled, "For Time and All Eternity."  This parable really struck me and so I thought I would post it on here and share with you all.......

Once a man received as his inheritance two keys. The first key, he was told, would open a vault which he must protect at all cost. The second key was to a safe within the vault which contained a priceless treasure. He was to open this safe and freely use the precious things which were stored therein. He was warned that many would seek to rob him of his inheritance. He was promised that if he used the treasure worthily, it would be replenished and never be diminished, not in all eternity. He would be tested. If he used it to benefit others, his own blessings and joy would increase.The man went alone to the vault. His first key opened the door. He tried to unlock the treasure with the other key, but he could not, for there were two locks on the safe. His key alone would not open it. No matter how he tried, he could not open it. He was puzzled. He had been given the keys. He knew the treasure was rightfully his. He had obeyed instructions, but he could not open the safe.
In due time, there came a woman into the vault. She, too, held a key. It was noticeably different from the key he held. Her key fit the other lock. It humbled him to learn that he could not obtain his rightful inheritance without her.
They made a covenant that together they would open the treasure and, as instructed, he would watch over the vault and protect it; she would watch over the treasure. She was not concerned that, as guardian of the vault, he held two keys, for his full purpose was to see that she was safe as she watched over that which was most precious to them both. Together they opened the safe and partook of their inheritance. They rejoiced for, as promised, it replenished itself.

With great joy they found that they could pass the treasure on to their children; each could receive a full measure, undiminished to the last generation.

Perhaps some few of their posterity would not find a companion who possessed the complementary key, or one worthy and willing to keep the covenants relating to the treasure. Nevertheless, if they kept the commandments, they would not be denied even the smallest blessing.
Because some tempted them to misuse their treasure, they were careful to teach their children about keys and covenants.

There came, in due time, among their posterity some few who were deceived or jealous or selfish because one was given two keys and another only one. “Why,” the selfish ones reasoned, “cannot the treasure be mine alone to use as I desire?”
Some tried to reshape the key they had been given to resemble the other key. Perhaps, they thought, it would then fit both locks. And so it was that the safe was closed to them. Their reshaped keys were useless, and their inheritance was lost.
Those who received the treasure with gratitude and obeyed the laws concerning it knew joy without bounds through time and all eternity.
I bear witness of our Father’s plan for happiness, and bear testimony in the name of Him who wrought the Atonement, that it might be, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

It always comes back to visiting teaching.....

I think that the Relief Society President feels the same way about keeping up on the visiting teaching changes as the rest of the sister's feel about getting their visiting teaching done--it never ends.  Every month it is time to start over.  Every time I feel like I am getting it all sorted out, companions and those they are going to, then someone moves in and someone moves out and someone else just isn't getting it done and soemone else is being neglected that really needs constant care.  So, my goal is to just accept that it will be a constant effort for me, and not be discouraged by that--to see it as a watchcare making certain that the best companioships are formed and that sisters are being given opportunity to bless where they best can.  As for the other side (as a visiting teacher), I am doing what I can to not look at each month's visits as being DONE, but that whether we get in a visit, a phone call, a card, that most of all, my sisters are in my thoughts and prayers.

 I feel that the only way we can truly become the visiting teachers we need to be is by praying for them.  It is so easy to excuse it with being shy, or that we are so different from each other, or even to have little judgmental issues about each other, but in reality, when we begin to pray for the opportunity to know and love those we serve, we are blessed to do so.  The Lord will give us the ability to serve them, to know them, and to love them.  BUT, are we doing this?  I really, really feel that we have some great and amazing visiting teachers in our ward, BUT, I also feel that we have some who are either missing the point, or well, just missing the point.  What else could it be?  We are all members of the same church, we all know the basic doctrines, and the responsilbility that we have as members to care for each other.  We are given that responsibility more specifically in our visiting teaching assignments.  In all honesty, it has personally taken me years of effort to gain a testimony of visiting teaching, and as I face the challenges it brings  in this calling, I see even more it's importance and divine institution.  Oh, if only we could all have a testimony of it--how much more would we care for each other, serve each other, know each other.  I think that guile would flee from our hearts and charity would fill the space it left. 

We truly need to reevaluate our lives--we need to come back to the heart of the gopel, the mission of the church and of our Savior, and we need to strive to serve those whom we have been called to serve.  PLEASE, don't avoid those who call to get your reports, either you did it or you did not, the Lord know that already, but it sure helps us know who is being reached and who is not.  It helps us know where concerns are and where there might need extra attention.   PLEASE don't avoid your companions--what a friendship could be developed here if we would just try!!  Look past their faults, love them, pray for them, and the sisters you visit.  Try to find out something new about them each time you get together.  PLEASE don't avoid those you are called to serve, you never know how much they might need you.  These assignments come as the result of much prayer and effort to know and understand what the Lord would have happen.  If you see a struggle, look at it and ask why the Lord might want you to serve in this situation.  And, then if it seems to be too much, I want to help, I want the best for each of you and I can only accomplish that through faithful visiting teachers, who strive to love and serve those in place of our Savior. 

Thank you to all who serve so dependably, to those who try even when it is hard or 'scary' or time-consuming.  Thank you for those who are so willing to accept changes, even when they are not easy.  I have been there.  I understand all to well the worries, the fears of going with someone or to someone, or the challenge of life and time to get it done.  BUT, I testify to you that this will bless your life if you will put your best effort into--start simple, start to add your sisters, and even your companion to your daily prayers, and see if after a month they aren't on your mind enough that you will start wanting to help them, wanting to find the time to go, and if the Lord doesn't open up opportunities to do so.  And, open yourself up to those who come visit you--be willing to do the same for them, to know them and let them become your friends--withholding judgment, overcoming awkwardness to truly know each other.

So, that is all I ask--I don't want to see numbers, I rarely pay attention to what it says on that monthly report, instead I review the names of who has not been visited and in how long.  At the bottom left corner of the blog there is a little blurb about our membership in relief society and what it really can mean to us, #3 says this,  “If you live up to your privileges, the angels cannot be restrained from being your associates.” (HC, 4:605.) Oh, if only we could live up to our privileges--believe me, I face this challenge daily, and don't feel I often meet it, but on those few times when I feel I have been really close to the Lord, really on top of my duties here on this earth--the feeling, the blessings are undescribable. 

Please, please, pray for those you are called to visit teach--start simple, and we'll grow from there.

Sister Perkins

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Humanitarian Helpers....

For those of you who are interested in services projects in your spare time, or who might want to work on an occasional humanitarian project, I am adding this blog to our list of blogs on the right side (as soon as I can get it to work) so that you can check it out and find great ideas that you can work on and who to get them to, etc.!  I am REALLY impressed with the awesome ideas and the organization of this site.  THe woman who started it was called over her ward's humanitarian effort and she has really gone above and beyond with it.  I found out about it in the church news and thought it was worth looking into.  So, the link is below and you can check it out there and hopefully in the future by clicking on it under our link to other blogs!


ALSO, At this time, Deserest Industries is in need of quilts, mainly King, Queen, and Twin size for the upcoming Christmas season and would appreciate any donations you could make bby a deadline of DECEMBER 3, 2010!  So, if you are quilting or have some around, that may be a good project to work on--or to get involved with in your families during the holiday coming up!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Activity on Hold....

We were planning to hold a "Service Auction" on Wednesday the 13th, due to my mother-in-law's passing and viewing being held that evening, we have decided to put that off until next week or later, depending on a few building scheduling challenges.
I also wanted to say: Thank you all for your love, prayers and support for our family at this time.  And the food, if nothing else, we would definitely come out of this well fed.  You are all wonderful--ESPECIALLY my counselors and secretary.  Thank you.

Sister Perkins

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Because of the weather this week we will be having the ward party at the cultural hall instead of Sheep Summit!!  Still at 6:00 pm on the Thursday the 7th.  First half of the alphabet brings a salad besides potato or green and the 2nd half a dessert!!  Hope te see you there!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

What you might have missed....

I just wanted to take a quick second and let you all know that we have a new member in our RS--Megan Winters turned 18 last week and we are thrilled to have her joining our ranks in Relief Society!!

Well, we have had a few additions to the calendar: The crocheting class will be starting again on Wednesday, the 29th of September at 6:30 somewhere at the church (We don't know which room yet, but we'll be there!)

Our normal First Tuesday of the month temple trip will be on the 5th at 8:00 am, contact Carol Hansen if you want to go.

The ward party has also been planned for Thursday, the 7th of October, which is when we were planning on having the book club, so the book club will meet the day before on the 6th at 7:00 pm in the Relief Society room. 

The ward party will be dinner at Sheep Summit, A-L bring any salad besides potato and green, and M-Z bring a dessert.  You'll need jackets or coats for sure since we are a little later in the year than normal, and chairs!!  This is several miles out the crestline road (Right turn at the nine mile rock on your way to Cedar and keep going down that dirt road, the Crestline Road, until you find us off to the right!)

Also, Sister Prince, our Provident Living Specialist told us that Wal-mart in Cedar City is having a case lot sell with 40 lb sealed buckets of hard red and white wheat for $9.72 a bucket, which is about half-price of even the cannery!!  Lots of other things, but I didn't end up getting a sheet from her after they got copied--so if you want to know more, give her a call!

As a side note, because this is not technically a RS sponsored event, but just in case you are interested in knowing  of it ;)  the former RS group known as the Breakfast Bunch, is still meeting, even with the closing of Cindy-Sooz's.  Carol Mathews will be hosting them at the Pine Tree Inn and Bakery on 3rd St on October 12, a Tuesday, at 9:30 am.  If you are interested in joining them, please RSVP to LuAnn Wilbur (4420), or Carol Hansen (4697) by Monday the 11th.  The cost of breakfast will be $5.00 and Carol will rotate different breakfasts each month for quite a few months.  So, if you have some time to spend visiting and enjoying each others company--this could be a nice way to do it!

FINALLY, for those of you who missed the stake activity--we had a really nice time visitng with our sisters from the other wards on this end of the county, while helping sew quilted wall-hangings to be used as decorations in orphanages around the US and beyond.  We also had some sisters from each ward share their tools and ideas for living providently, which was interesting and fun. 
The General Relief Society Broadcast followed, and if you missed it, I hope that you will listen to it at LDS.org, or read it as soon as it comes out in November.  Especially PresidentMonson's amazing talk.  I was so touched by the Spirit as it reafirmed to me, and I think to everyone else there (I could see there hands wiping away tears teh entire time he spoke) that he is truly a prophet of God.  ANd his message was beautiful and so important for all of us. 

HA HA, you thought I was done, but I always have more to add--I just remembered that if you use the internet much, or LDS.org, that the church ahs just finished updating a new sight www.new.lds.org/
and it will soon be replacing the old one,  but you can already start using it in it's new format if you want to give it  a try--the RS broadcast is available on it's home page.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Apples...If you are interested!!

Bev Peterson sent me this info and asked if I would share!  She said that she had these apples last year and they were crispy even into November and December and she really was very happy with them--so if you are interested in  ordering, let us know so we can hopefully catch one of us going over to help bring back for others!!

September 20, 2010

Greetings To Our Apple Friends!
Another apple season is here and we look foreword to bringing you more great apples. Please foreword this email to all those you can.

This year we are introducing a new easy prepay system that will help get your apples to you in the freshest condition possible with minimal waste. It will also help us avoid bringing more apples then are needed. Here's how it works. Simply click on the link below and go to the order page of our web site.

You can than choose what type of apples you want, how many boxes and what general area you will pick up the apples. You can then choose to pay by credit/debit card or if you prefer, by mailing us a check. If you mail a check you must state: 1)how many boxes 2)what type of apple 3)the city you will pick them up in and 4)your name and phone number/email so we can let you know the delivery dates. Checks should be made out to 'Ken Dicken' and mailed to: PO Box 446, Methow, WA 98834

Golden: $24 (.60/lb)

Honey Crisp: $29 (.73/lb)

Fuji: $24 (.60/lb)
Tri-Cities, Washington

Cedar City, Utah (J/J Fife)

Las Vegas, Nevada

Those who order will be notified of the delivery date and address location. At this point it will be the same drop point for each location as in 2009. As in the past, each box will weigh approximately 40 lbs. If you are unable to pick up your order on the given day please have a friend pick it up for you. Any leftover boxes will be given to a local charity. Also, in the event of short supply as with Honey Crisp, orders will be filled in the order received.
Thank you for your support. PLEASE tell your friends and those groups you are involved with and foreword this email to them.
Our goal is to help as many people as possible benefit from these great apples. Remember, these apples are not only grown and freshly picked in the state of Washington which is often claimed as the greatest apple growing region of the world, but in the absolute best growing area of the state to bring on that perfect blend of great aroma and crisp juicy taste.
Order now as the early varieties are already being harvested.

Again, thank you for all of your support and for spreading the word. It really helps!

Ken and Shauna Dicken

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Stake Conference.....

As usual, I came away from Stake Conference having been taught and edified.  Though, I must say that I always seem to get the most out of the adult meeting on Saturday night.  Maybe because I don't have kids there? ;)  At the end of last nights meeting President Phillips pointed out how remarkable it is that all of the talks tied so closely together, though none had been planned to do so and that we know why that is--because this is the true church, guided through revelation by our Father in Heaven.  The Spirit, though already strong, became so much stronger to me at that moment, more personal revelation of the powerful truths that he was speaking of.  The Spirit guides those who are called to serve in our Father's kingdom in order to teach what He would have us know, what we NEED to know, and I am so grateful for that.   Then to sum it all up, we sang a closing hymn that I did not really know and this is what it said:

(Thy Spirit, Lord, Has Stirred Our Souls, no. 157)
1. Thy Spirit, Lord, has stirred our souls,
And by its inward shining glow
We see anew our sacred goals
And feel thy nearness here below.
No burning bush near Sinai
Could show thy presence, Lord, more nigh.
2. “Did not our hearts within us burn?”
We know the Spirit’s fire is here.
It makes our souls for service yearn;
It makes the path of duty clear.
Lord, may it prompt us, day by day,
In all we do, in all we say.

Those words were so fitting and so perfect to close with.  They are what I think we feel so often in the church at our meetings, but are so easy to lose or forget as we return to our homes and our busy lives. I know that all too often it is that way for me--I see and feel and know what I am supposed to be doing and it definitely burns within me to do more to be better and to serve, but often just walking in the door and my kids starting in on each other sweeps away so much of that powerful force, and it takes work to bring it back and effort to keep up on--but, then again, aren't all of the best things in life that way?  We wouldn't know bitter if we didn't have sweet, wouldn't have true joy without having faced pain?  So, we keep striving for it.

Today as we sang, "Lord, I Would Follow Thee," I was also overwhelmed with the words of this song and their application to my life and especially to my call as Relief Society President. (Now wonder the song of the righteous is a prayer unto the Lord--just read the hymns and think about them, they are AWESOME!) At the same time, as I thought about the words, I wanted to make a few changes, to have them relate even closer, instead of referring to the brethren, to replace that with Sisters, and then I went even further and made up a few stanzas of my own.  My thoughts returning to the call from last nights meeting to Rescue those who are waiting for our help, to reach out and share our precious gospel to those who are waiting, and, of course, in so many ways for Relief Society Sisters, this all leads back to visiting teaching. 

If we could just overcome our fears, our doubts, our own struggles with ourselves to be confident and assured as we reach out to others--when in reality they are probably struggling with the same worries and cares.  WHY WHY WHY do we worry so much about what someone thinks of us?  Why do we so fear their thoughts, when it is the Lords thoughts about us that matter?  Why are we so scared to reach out when they are just as needy of friends and support as we are?  Who are you closest friends?  Most of mine are all people that I very specifically remember being nervous to reach out to, to meet, or to get to know better--and Oh, how grateful I am that I made the effort.  Well, here are the words I wrote- a prayer, a plea, for me, for you, and for all the sisters of our ward, to reach out and get to know each other, the Lord has given us the 'excuse' through visiting teaching to make some amazing friendships--are we going to waste our time with worry, or are we going to do it?

Savior, help me know my Sister,
Come to understand her soul.
Help me that I will not judge,
But listen with Thy righteous love.
Each day more worthy of her trust.
Savior, help me know my Sister,
Lord, I would follow Thee.

Savior, help me serve my Sister,
Reaching out with hands to comfort,
Or even just a smile to brighten
Through our lives her load I'd lighten
With Thy sure and constant guidance
Savior, help me serve my Sister,
Lord, I would follow Thee.

Savior, help me love my Sister,
Give me strength amidst my weakness,
So that I can help and teach her.
Overcoming my own faults,
As I open up my heart.
Savior, help me love my Sister,
Lord, I would follow Thee.

I hope that you all had a wonderful Sabbath, too.  I miss seeing you all each week, and feel that I am missing out on things that are important as I have been gone so much--your testimonies borne last week, your lessons, your smiles, but am grateful for the time my family still has to spend with my sweet mother-in-law, because it too is precious to me and my family.  So, I will be at our ward when I can and we'll be hoping that you will call or contact us whenever there is a need that we have not yet seen or met. 

Sister Perkins

P.S. Speaking of the music from last night--if you missed it, Sister Thomas and her girls sang absolutely beautifully, and then Brother Pearson and his boys added to the evening with another number that President Phillips requested at the last minute--what amazing talent we have in our ward--thanks so much for sharing it with us!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Social, Book Club and More......

Well, as usual I am rushing to get caught up.  We had a wonderful time at our soical last week, though there were many of you that we missed seeing.  We had lots of great food and great visits with each other--thanks for all who came, we hope you enjoyed it as much as our presidency did!  Thanks Rachelle for all you do as RS Meeting Coordinator.

At that social, we announced the beginning of our NEW Book Club, which will take a slightly different route than our old one did with the Deseret Book books.  We have the chance to use books from the elementary, that way we are able to offer the club without cost to anyone at this point.  These are all books that have been Caldecott (Together with the Newbery Medal, it is the most prestigious American children's book award) and Newberry (This award is given to the author of the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children.) Medal winners--So, it is a slightly different level of reading than we used before, but so far I have heard a lot of good things from those who have been reading our first selection, so far, which is "Where the Red Fern Grows," by Wilson Rawls.  If you are interested in reading the book, and meeting with the book club each month, DANA RODEN will be in charge of the club, and you can contact her or Loree Stackhouse about getting a book or get one from the library yourself if you want.  The book club will be held on Thursday evening, but which one, I am not positive, I will check and update it on the calendar to the side of the blog as soon as I know!  UPDATE: The 1st Thursday of every month will be book club and we will let you know at what time--it will be held in the RS room!

We are also excited to be starting work on reaching goals of provident living together.  Sister LORETTA PRINCE has accepted a call to serve as our Provident Living Coordinator and she will be working in a lot of areas such as: coordinating trips to the cannery, RS Workshops on self-reliance and provident living, and even on finding good deals on purchases for food storage and emergency preparedness.  We are just getting started, but as we get going we will keep you informed!!

I also forgot to mention that we will soon be setting dates to start our KNITTING CLASS (taught by Robin Bradfield)  our CROCHETING CLASS (Taught by Renae Hansen) and our PLAYGROUP for MOMS with YOUNG KIDS (Coordinated by Christy Cheney)  If you are interested in any of these groups please contact them or one of our presidency!!

I hope that if you ever have questions or concerns that you will come to us--I have been gone a lot on the weekends since receiving this call and will continue do so in order to spend time with Grant's mom, so I am relying heavily on my counselors to run Sundays, but am home during the week if needed, so please feel free to call us or email us over anything you might need!

Sister Perkins

Monday, August 30, 2010


Hi Everyone,
Just a few updates during our end of summer rush (As if you weren't busy enough already! ;) 

First of all, I got a call about the PEACHES today--they will be at Pete Horlachers around 3:00 on Wednesday afternoon, the 1st-until sometime that evening, and they would appreciate it if you could pay with cash, but sounds like they will still take a check if they have to.

Second, if you didn't hear, Anna and Eric Chouquer had a baby girl over the weekend-- Carli Jean.  Both mom and baby are well.  We also had another surprise delivery for Celeste and James Neighbor, their baby Mykell came about a month early and we are still waiting to hear more. UPDATE:  Baby Mykell has been on feeding tubes and oxygen for a couple of days, but other than that is doing well--they are trying to start feeding her without the tubes today to see how that goes, and if it works they might be home by Thursday at the earliest--we will wait and see, and keep them in our prayers that she keeps on progressing and they are home soon!!
Also, Sister Deb Umina is waiting for back surgery and the doctors have told her to just keep her bags packed and be ready when they are--please keep her in your thoughts and prayers so that she can get this done and overwith and hopefully back on her feet soon!!

Third;  We do have a couple of new sisters in the ward if you have the chance to meet them and say HI!  Ken Hinckley's mom has moved in with them and while she isn't able to get out a whole lot, if you had a chance to drop by and meet her, they said she would love to meet people and make some friends here (I apologize that i didn't get her name from him, but I will soon)!!  Also, Stephanie Dojaquez and her mom, Judy, have moved into the house that Riley and Adam Longman moved out of, so Stephanie is also a new member of our Relief Society and we would like to welcome her.

FINALLY:  There are MORE changes in visiting teaching for September--I have to apologize if they come as a surprise or if anyone has any questions about the changes, I keep thinking that we will get it set for a few months at least--but, it doesn't seem to want to work that way--someone moves in or out, and we want to make sure we are all being visited and cared for!  IF you have any questions or concerns about your routes, PLEASE feel free to talk to me about them, send me an email, whatever works best for you--as much as I would like to visit with each of you about it, I can't, but at the same time if there are any that have concerns, I don't want to miss them either. 

I want to do whatever I can to serve and help you, at this time we are going every other weekend to visit my mother-in-law in Utah because we honestly don't know how much time we have left to do so.  The rest of the time I am home, and while I am usually catching up on laundry or dishes, or kids homework, the dishes and the laundry will always be there for me to come back to, but helping you or anyone else may not wait!  I also have a pretty amazing presidency who are always willing to step up and help out--we love you and want to serve you when you need us!  We are excited to be planning some great meetings and activites with our Coordinator, Sister Rochelle Phillips, and hope to be getting going with them soon, so that we are once again having regular opportunities to learn, grow, visit and strengthen each other outside of our Sunday meetings!

Sister Perkins

Monday, August 23, 2010

It's Time for an 'End of Summer Social'

It seems like it's been FOREVER since we have had a chance to get together as Sister's and just have a nice, relaxing evening!! So, here it is:

WHEN:  Wednesday, September 1st, 2010
WHERE:  The Cultural Hall at the Church
TIME:  6:30 PM
WHAT TO BRING:  You! And, your favorite easy salad or finger food to share.

Can't Wait To See You There!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Pretty Rocks & Sisterhood

The other day I looked up from doing the dishes, and in the window above the sink are some ‘pretty’ rocks that my kids have collected for me. They know that I like rocks, and whenever they find a ‘pretty’ rock they bring it to me with so much excitement. I have been trying to get them to keep the collections in the rock/flower beds in our front yard, because I am afraid of them filling up the whole house.

 The little rocks on my window ledge are each beautiful in some way, and yet they are all so very different. One is a big, smooth rock that fits in the palm of my hand. It came from the ocean, two years ago on our summer vacation. It is definitely not beautiful, or even pretty, but I love to hold it and feel it, smooth, hard and cool in my hand. When I think about how it became this way, I can‘t help but wish that I could see where this rock had started out and where it had been along the way, the waves it had traveled to get to where it was that day as it washed up on the beach. I have rocks from the Sweetwater River when we crossed it on the handcart trek at Martin’s Cove three summers ago--they aren‘t really pretty, unless they are wet, but they remind me of a sacred and special place, and I wonder if these rocks were there when those earlier handcarts came through, I wonder what has passed by them, and where have they been. I have rocks that are shiny, rocks that are bumpy, rocks that are coated with crystals, and rocks that are filled with color. One of the rocks in the windowsill looks like a zebra, it has stripes in it, and they are very distinct and very different in their make-up, I wonder what type of pressure that rock must have been formed under.

And as I thought about these rocks, so different, so unique, and the value to me in so many ways, I my thoughts drifted to the ups and downs I feel as Relief Society President. The days when I am uplifted and supported and the days I feel burdened and inadequate to meet the needs of so many.  I think of those who are so easy to rely on and those who have surprised me (whether good or not) by support or lack there of.  I think of how we, as women,  are amazing caretakers when called upon to help and to love, to strengthen and to nurture.  But, we also tend to have a huge struggle as women where we tend to judge, to puff up our chests and say something in a haughty tone about someone else that we should be loving, supporting, or at least trying to learn to love.

This is where the rocks come in. I believe that we women are like those rocks that I have in my windowsill ( and in my yard, and most of the time even my in pockets). We are unique and beautiful in our own ways. Some of us have rough edges from where we have been broken off from the trials we have faced, while others have been smoothed, some even polished to a beautiful sheen. We are made of different materials, some that break down easier than others, some that can withstand almost any element while barely breaking down at all. We are giant boulders and small pebbles that have traveled the world and never left the valley. We all have a story to tell, stories that have not ended yet, of shaping, and forming to get to be who we are. And no one’s story is greater and no one’s story is lesser, because they are totally unique to us. These rocks I collect come from our Father’s creation of this earth, and so do we, created from the dust of the earth by that same Father. And yet, so often, we find ourselves forgetting this and that is when we find ourselves comparing, we find ourselves judging, we find ourselves not measuring up to someone else, or even counting their weaknesses, their rough edges, so that we can show how smooth ours are. And all it does is slow our progress. I would like to say that we only hurt ourselves, but in reality we can hurt so many along the way. We nit-pick, we make snide comments, and we miss moments to love, to serve, and to draw nearer to our Savior. Oh, how I would like to be innocent of this and say that I am teaching what I live and what I know. But, that is why we are given each new day, to keep on working, keep on trying, and keep on using the atonement for what He meant it for, to become like Him.

It is my hope, my prayer, that we will begin to see the beauty of each sister, and better understand the journey she has traveled and the storms that she has weathered.  That each sister will be viewed as someone who has strengths and weaknesses and challenges just as all of us do, and that will be our common bond-- that will be the strength that will help unify us, as we remember, truly remember, who we are--Sisters.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Just a Reminder if You haven't been to the Temple.....

The St George Temple closes next Monday for maintenance and will be closed for the next two weeks--the schedule can be found by clicking on the link on the left side of our blog, but we just wanted to remind you in case you have the chance to go, or so that you don't make the trip only to find they are closed!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Create by President Uchtdorf

This month's Presidency message has excerpt's from President Uchtdorf's talk and this is the video from Mormon Message's that goes with it--though you might like it if you haven't seen it yet!!  (you may want to pause the music player at the bottom of the blog page)


Welcome to the Panaca 2nd Relief Society Ward Blog.  We are hoping that we can use a blog to keep updates and a history of what is going on in our Relief Society.  We know not all of us use the computer, but we are hoping that this may be helpful for those who do and we will keep working the old-fashioned way to reach those who don't!!

We are adding blogs to our list of anyone who has one that has been or is a member of the 2nd ward--so if you have addresses for blogs that you would like to add, just let us know by sending an email or commenting on a post!

The plan is to try to send an email when we have a new post so that you can check it out.  We also want to have access to things such as the visiting teaching message and temple schedule--if there are other things that you would like to see on here, please let us know and we will see what we can do!
Sister Perkins