Friday, September 2, 2011


(August's Theme from the Releif Society Declaration is: Love Life and Learning)
Dear Sisters:

It seems that sometimes as wives and mothers we are often so buys that our learning opportunities are limited. Maybe schooling is put on hold, or put off completely, or the thought of going back to it seems so far away. But, it is our responsibility to never give up on learning, and to seek chances for it, though they may come in small and sporadic times. Elder Bednar teaches: “You and I are here on the earth to prepare for eternity, to learn how to learn, to learn things that are temporally important and eternally essential, and to assist others in learning wisdom and truth (see D&C 97:1). Understanding who we are, where we came from, and why we are on the earth places upon each of us a great responsibility both to learn how to learn and to learn to love learning.”

Our theme for August, from the Relief Society Declaration is: Love life and learning. They seem to go hand-in-hand. I truly believe that the more we learn, the more we see and understand our Father’s plan, and with this learning comes the desire to know more, and as great wisdom and knowledge open before us, we will have greater love for life and living.

As always, we must remember there is a balance. The things that are ESSENTIAL to our eternal salvation come first, the things NECESSARY to daily survival and responsibilities come next, and then the NICE things we fit in as time allows. And if we follow this order, we will find time, happiness, and love of life and learning.
Jamie, Cindy, Loree, and Kathy

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