Tuesday, May 1, 2012


(Our Focus this month in Relief Society is: Because of Charity the Atonement was Made.)

Dear Sisters,
How blessed we are to be celebrating the resurrection of our Savior this beautiful spring morning. We hope that amidst the egg hunts, ham dinners, and family get-togethers that we all take time for a lengthy contemplation to think of the momentous, much prophesied event which is the basis for this holy day - the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. This followed the Atonement wherein the Savior took to himself all of our sins, pains, and sicknesses (see Alma 7:11-13). 
The intent of everything we do is in the hopes that we all may know more fully that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the very Messiah, our Redeemer, and our friend. Our Heavenly Father truly did send him to live, to die, and to live again for all of us. We add our voices to the Prophets of the Lord in declaring that Jesus Christ did atone for us, and that he lives again. We love and praise him. Please sisters, remember this Easter that egg hunts and bunnies are fun for our families, but that they aren't the point. The Atonement is the point.
Sisters, we love you. Far more importantly and far more perfectly, our Father in Heaven loves you. He loves you so much that he will never leave you alone when you turn to Him. Please, please remember always what this holy day is really about. Do not ever forget your Savior Jesus Christ.
Jamie, Cindy, Loree, & Kathy

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