Sunday, April 8, 2012

What's Happening in April!?!?

Hi Panaca 2nd Sisters and Welcome (A few days late!) to APRIL!!  Today is such a BEAUTIFUL day--which makes it all the more perfect of an Easter, light and life and the celebration of the resurrection in everything around us.

I just wanted to let you know that there are a few things coming up this month to keep on your calendar--they are posted to the side of the blog on the right of your screen, also.

On the 11th is the Book Club's Movie Night: The Secret Garden. At 6:30 pm at the Stackhouse's.

Tuesday the 17th is our RECIPE NIGHT.  This time we are focusing on appetizer's--so try something new or bring an old favorite--or just come and try what others have brought--there is always plenty!!  Bring the recipe to share (we will copy it and share them) This is at 6:30 at the church!!

Saturday the 21st  is the Lincoln County Health Fair in Caliente at the NEW Firehall.  From 8 am to 11 am.  There will be lots of booths, get your blood work done for $40 instead of $150, check out three of the rescue helicopters that serve our area!!
Also, if you can make cookies to donate, please contact me, they need to be delivered to Sister Barr by the 20th!

Wednesday the 25th we will be having a Provident Living Class on GARDENING!  Taught by one of our great ward gardeners--Brother Dotson.  Meet at his garden spot behind the Market at 6:00 pm.

There are also so many of you having birthdays this month--sure hope you have or had, great ones!!  

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