Sunday, March 4, 2012


(Our Focus this month in Relief Society is: CHARITY IS THE BASIS FOR A CELESTIAL MARRIAGE 

Dear Sisters, 
February offers another opportunity for us to express our love for those dear to us. Many complain that it is just another holiday to sell greeting cards, flowers and chocolates. Any gift given at any time is appreciated, especially if the motives are pure. 
Our Savior spent his whole life giving love to everyone. “He healed the sick he raised the dead. . . . He cared for their spiritual well-being, but He also cared for their temporal needs as well. . . . Why did he do all those things? He had only one motive -- love. This motive means everything.” 
“We can do things with less-than laudable motives. Quoting his father, Mormon, Moroni wrote that if we give ‘a gift, (and) doeth it grudgingly; . . . it is counted . . . the same as if we had retained the gift; wherefore we are counted evil before God’. (Moroni 7:8,9).” 
“Why we do things is probably more important than what we do. . . . While it’s important to remember that we should not judge another’s motive, we can judge our own. We need to look inside and take stock. Are we doing what we do out of love? Or has some other motive taken over?” 
When we find ourselves needing to talk to our spouse or another member of the family, perhaps we could remind ourselves, “How can I say what I need to say in the most loving way possible?” The few extra seconds it may take could make a big difference in that relationship. 
“When others’ needs start to matter more than our own, and when others’ successes are more exciting to us than our own, we are beginning to experience the kind of love that our Father in Heaven and our Savior have for us. It is a love without dimension. It has no boundaries, no limitations. It is pure, infinite, and eternal.” (Quotes from Russell T. Osguthorpe)
Jamie, Cindy, Loree, & Kathy 

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