Thursday, August 4, 2011

Welcome August!

Summer is racing by, though not quick enough for some mom's who have fun out of entertainment and patience, and too quickly for those still trying fo figure out where it actually went!!  I hope that you have found moments of fun and joy and peace amidst the rush of summer. 

 We especially want to thank all who helped donate over 90 hours of service for our sewing service project!! It gives me a goosebumps just thinking aobut it--we are so excited to take these clothes protectors to the hospital and give to the patients there and will hopefully get some pictures to share with all of you--we know they are going to love them!!  What an awesome time it was to share our efforts, talents, and time as sisters in the gospel.  This makes me think of the August visiting teaching message : "A Society of Holy Women"  What an honor to be a part of such society.  Thank you again--especially Sister Maughan for her hours of dedicated preparation to this project, we could never have managed it without her!

We do have hopes for a couple of things this month, but do not have them scheduled yet--we are looking a having another SERVICE AUCTION, since our last one was so great and we are hoping to get more people out.  We are also looking to maybe do some canning for provident living this month or next.  We will let you know as they come up!!
Thanks again for all you do!!

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