Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Service Auction Review, World Wide Leadership Report, and MORE!

RS Service Auction
For those of you who missed the service auction, I am so sorry, whether for time constraints, other demands, or you were unsure of what it was and not really up to finding out, but I wanted to report on it and let you know a little bit more about it.  It was a WONDERFUL time.  I really was a little unsure about this as it first came up, the more I learned about it, the more I liked the idea.  After actually participating, I am so excited to hold one again.  We laughed so much, we learned so much about each other and our abilities and talents and even by seeing what others would bid on and how hard they would try for certain items really helped us learn about each other and I have to say that I think everyone there had a great time.  As you can see from the picture, there were a wide variety of things from goodies to crafts, to service such as baby-sitting and singing and guitar lessons.  I truly feel that each day we miss opportunities to serve because we are often too wrapped up in the normal rut of daily life, but what a fun way to share our gifts and talents and make our service available to others!!

World Wide Leadership Training
On November 13th, there were a few dramatic changes for some of us leaders in the church.  That was the day of our annual World-Wide Leadership Training Broadcast, but with it came the new and completely updated church handbook.  No longer will we have little partial sections based on what our organization covers, now all Presidencies have the entire handbook and are asked to know and understand all that pertains to them.  Wow.  That is how I felt coming out of the meeting.  We will no longer have welfare meetings in the wards, but our ward councils are to become much more efficient, the ward council members becoming much more involved in the needs of the wards, helping to relieve much of the Bishop's load.  The focus of the handbook: the individuals and families of the church.  I felt so strongly that this was a greatly needed change, and while it will take us some time to adjust and to really get moving on the changes needing to be made, what a blessing they will be to each member of the church as we strive to love and serve each other--and not the organization.
What a blessing to have inspired leaders, a Prophet of God receiving His counsel and direction for us so that we are able to face the needs of His children to strengthen them in a world of unsurety and turmoil.  I was overwhelmed to a degree, feeling that there is so much responsibility that comes back to us as quorum and auxiliary leaders, but also that comes back to each of us as home and visiting teachers, as neighbors, as friends, and as members of the church.  It's back on us to see to the needs of those around us, to report to our leaders when we see those in need spiritually and temporally and then to work together to serve, strengthen, love, and guide them.  I am excited to see the changes that this will bring, and hopefully the unity to our ward and the church overall. 

Christmas Around the World

Our next upcoming Relief Society event is our Christmas Around the World Progressive Dinner on the night of December 16th at 6:00 pm.  We planned this event with the idea of being able to share each others talents and have a little bit of learning and culture tied in to the Christmas season.  We are looking for those who would like to cook any kind of ethnic food that they may know how (to be served in smaller appetizer sizes) and for others to host the meals and the sisters eating them in their homes.  We thought maybe some would want to show their Christmas decorations--especially if they have any fun or unique ones from around the world, that we can learn more about Christmas in different areas.  We will have different groups going to each home at a time.  If you are interested in cooking or hosting, PLEASE contact me by phone 4642 or email gjnboyz@yahoo.com.

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