As usual, I came away from Stake Conference having been taught and edified. Though, I must say that I always seem to get the most out of the adult meeting on Saturday night. Maybe because I don't have kids there? ;) At the end of last nights meeting President Phillips pointed out how remarkable it is that all of the talks tied so closely together, though none had been planned to do so and that we know why that is--because this is the true church, guided through revelation by our Father in Heaven. The Spirit, though already strong, became so much stronger to me at that moment, more personal revelation of the powerful truths that he was speaking of. The Spirit guides those who are called to serve in our Father's kingdom in order to teach what He would have us know, what we NEED to know, and I am so grateful for that. Then to sum it all up, we sang a closing hymn that I did not really know and this is what it said:
1. Thy Spirit, Lord, has stirred our souls,
And by its inward shining glow
We see anew our sacred goals
No burning bush near Sinai
Could show thy presence, Lord, more nigh.
2. “Did not our hearts within us burn?”
We know the Spirit’s fire is here.
It makes our souls for service yearn;It makes the path of duty clear.
Lord, may it prompt us, day by day,
In all we do, in all we say.
Those words were so fitting and so perfect to close with. They are what I think we feel so often in the church at our meetings, but are so easy to lose or forget as we return to our homes and our busy lives. I know that all too often it is that way for me--I see and feel and know what I am supposed to be doing and it definitely burns within me to do more to be better and to serve, but often just walking in the door and my kids starting in on each other sweeps away so much of that powerful force, and it takes work to bring it back and effort to keep up on--but, then again, aren't all of the best things in life that way? We wouldn't know bitter if we didn't have sweet, wouldn't have true joy without having faced pain? So, we keep striving for it.
Today as we sang, "Lord, I Would Follow Thee," I was also overwhelmed with the words of this song and their application to my life and especially to my call as Relief Society President. (Now wonder the song of the righteous is a prayer unto the Lord--just read the hymns and think about them, they are AWESOME!) At the same time, as I thought about the words, I wanted to make a few changes, to have them relate even closer, instead of referring to the brethren, to replace that with Sisters, and then I went even further and made up a few stanzas of my own. My thoughts returning to the call from last nights meeting to Rescue those who are waiting for our help, to reach out and share our precious gospel to those who are waiting, and, of course, in so many ways for Relief Society Sisters, this all leads back to visiting teaching.

Savior, help me know my Sister,
Come to understand her soul.
Help me that I will not judge,
Each day more worthy of her trust.
Savior, help me know my Sister,
Lord, I would follow Thee.
Savior, help me serve my Sister,
Reaching out with hands to comfort,
Or even just a smile to brighten
Through our lives her load I'd lighten
With Thy sure and constant guidance
Savior, help me serve my Sister,
Lord, I would follow Thee.
Savior, help me love my Sister,
Give me strength amidst my weakness,
So that I can help and teach her.
Overcoming my own faults,
As I open up my heart.
Savior, help me love my Sister,
Lord, I would follow Thee.
I hope that you all had a wonderful Sabbath, too. I miss seeing you all each week, and feel that I am missing out on things that are important as I have been gone so much--your testimonies borne last week, your lessons, your smiles, but am grateful for the time my family still has to spend with my sweet mother-in-law, because it too is precious to me and my family. So, I will be at our ward when I can and we'll be hoping that you will call or contact us whenever there is a need that we have not yet seen or met.
Sister Perkins
P.S. Speaking of the music from last night--if you missed it, Sister Thomas and her girls sang absolutely beautifully, and then Brother Pearson and his boys added to the evening with another number that President Phillips requested at the last minute--what amazing talent we have in our ward--thanks so much for sharing it with us!!
P.S. Speaking of the music from last night--if you missed it, Sister Thomas and her girls sang absolutely beautifully, and then Brother Pearson and his boys added to the evening with another number that President Phillips requested at the last minute--what amazing talent we have in our ward--thanks so much for sharing it with us!!
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